Yo sup Josh? I guess it’s about time you got real advice. Okay so I’ll skip all the basic stuff like studying and sleeping and eating cuz I believe you just learn that stuff the hard way. Girls, man. College has a lot of those. The problem is college girls are the craziest ones out there. High school girls don’t even come close, brah. So, yeah, don’t be afraid to be whatever you want around them cuz there are so many that one of them will maybe try to like you. UNFORTUNATELY, stalkers exist hardcore in college. So get a group of girls you can tolerate quickly to use as excuses for not hanging out with those stalker girls who will constantly be asking you to help them with that “hard assignment” or whatever.
By the way, that’s a good one to use on chicks you’re in class with. Got me my ole miss girlfriend that way. I pretended an international student knew more about the English language than me. Genius? I know.
Anyways, girls and stuff. You’re gonna probably seem like a stalker, too, but the trick is to act like you don’t care ever. Even when you’re the one starting conversations with them.
Josh: “Yo! Sup, Judy Su”
Judy Su: “Oh not much doing this hard paper lol XD”
Josh: “Whatever…”
Also, acting mysterious when you’re not totally works, too.
Girl: “Wow these burgers are great! Don’t you think, Josh?”
Josh: “I’d rather not talk about it…”
Better get those burgers to go man.
Yo! Seamus, what if I don’t do things like have a successful radio show or rap career and/or just don’t want to talk about what I really do.
Well, Josh, you can make things up. But they have to be ridiculous and believable in the “is he joking” sense. Chicks dig guys that maybe do things. Especially if they’re ridiculously incredible.
Girl: “Josh you’re late.”
Josh: “Sorry had to diffuse a bomb, what kind of pizza we got today?”
But, yeah, when you’re a freshman its really easy to meet chicks in class. You've gotta be careful about that though. That means you've gotta go to class with them. It worked out okay for me, but I’d still be wary about it. Try and meet chicks through chicks until you find one. Or maybe do clubs. Chicks go to clubs. But make sure when you join clubs understand the chicks you get are the ones you sign up for. D&D club is gonna have D&D chicks. (Maddie's note: D&D is apparently Dungeons and Dragons...if you already knew that? Then you're more nerdier than me! Ha.) The "I hate men" club is gonna have "I hate men" chicks. Use your head.
Oh and I’ve always found that dating chicks with similar music tastes usually works out really well. You do have to be yourself eventually, so the sooner you are the better. And maybe she’ll like who you really are. That’d be cool.
Oh, and find someone you can laugh with. If a chick doesn’t find you funny you’re screwed. End of story.
Oh, and getting to know girls is fun. So, get to know a lot of them. You don’t need a girlfriend right away. The longer you last without a girlfriend and the more friend girls you have, the cooler (attractive) seem.
By the way, don’t ever let girls know you have a “play book.” The more original you are in everything you do, the better. I’d suggest you burn this message after reading it. Also, don’t ever view women as just “chicks” unless you have a girlfriend (or don’t want one). It’s probably better if you don’t...ever…
And you can always ask me for protips when you’ve found that special one. I’m a pro after all.
Anyhoo, Josh, I know you’ll do great at college and I’m rooting for ya. You can hit me up about anything you wanna talk about man. Even if it doesn’t involve women. I’m probably more helpful that way… College gets crazy. And you’re not an exception to that, but have fun!
Seamus "the king" Hamilton