Monday, November 26, 2012

Papers, Projects, and Passion: A Guest Blog

Can I get a "Roll Racers"?? 
Hello you! My name is Maddie and I am your usual blogger of this blog. However, I have an EXTRA SPECIAL treat for you today. My very bestest friend, Morgan Mullen, has sent some "word vomit" over for me to share with you, and I am oh-so-happy that she did because this is SUCH great advice that I really believe applies to this semester. As you know, I haven't written all that much this semester and that is because this semester has been absolutely bogus. It was such a great reminder when I read her words just a little bit ago, so I hope that you will be able to take this to heart as you start your college planning process. And then remind yourself of it when you're feeling those end of semester blues when you're in college a few years down the road. Alright, I'll stop the blabbering so you can absorb some great advice! Enjoy :) 

Dear Josh (or Nick or Meredith or whoever else happens upon this):

So I finally decided to do it. Maddie has been bugging me for forever, but I am finally going to blog for her (bestfriendstatus). :) 

When she first asked me to write this she said I should write about football. And BOY could I talk about football. Alabama has had a pretty great season and we are in the SEC championship this weekend (with talks of returning to the National Championship!). As much as I love Alabama football and the atmosphere it brings to our campus it is not what I wanted to write my blog post-y thing about.
I wanted to tell you about the importance of passion.

“Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life” said someone famous and inspirational (Confucius? Steve Jobs? Mom?) As cheesy as that sounds, it is definitely true.

When you go to college you might not know what you want to do, but you only have about 2 short years to figure it out. That is downright SCARY. You will get to sort through pre-requisite classes and you might find a hidden passion in there. You might join a random club at Get On Board Day and realize you are really interested in Show Choir. You might be reading the Honors College newsletter and find an ad for a chance to go to Italy or Ecuador.

Eventually you will have to fill out an official form and turn it in to a dean or a secretary that says “I,______ will be studying __________” and you will pray that you made the right choice.

I cannot say for sure that I have made the right choice. Maddie doesn’t know either. We are faking it as best we can. But I do know this: every time I think about my future I smile. Literally bust out an ear-to-ear grin like an idiot. And I think that is a pretty good indication.  Whenever I tell people what I want to be when I grow up they say “that’s really cool” and I say “I know”. (I’m a dork, but whatever).

The reason I bring this up is because I am burnt out right now. I am tired of school. I just want to go home and watch Elf. But every time I think about what I get to do on the other end, I am reminded why I can’t just give up.

Exams are hard. Papers are hard. Projects are no fun anymore. But each one brings me closer to being able to pursue my dreams and passions.

So I say this to you (whoever you are): Carry on! The future is coming (it’s so much closer than you think) and that is EXCITING!!

Roll Tide,


P.S. Sorry if this is boring, but I feel like it’s relevant. If it is too scatterbrained then I have accurately captured my own mental state.

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