Hey Bro...Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! I am hoping that you have noticed I'm not in the house by now. I am actually sitting at gate B2 of the Nashville Airport waiting for my flight to New York. No, I'm not going to New York. I am taking a plane from New York to Rome, Italy, and I am pretty much stunned by the awesomeness of it at the moment. (I am also fighting a cold, so apologies to those around me at the airport that can't see my stunned-ness through the sneeze dust around me)
You see, a couple of months ago I decided that this would be just a fantabulous, grand idea--study abroad in Italy and Greece for two weeks! And after turning in my application, receiving some scholarship money, and trying really hard to fit all of my crud into the one suitcase limit--I am finally sitting here about to head out! It hasn't really hit me yet, though. The sheer amazingness of the whole thing. In about a day, I will be walking around Italy like Alice in Wonderland. Amazed. Excited. In awe. This, my friend, is a real bucket-lister.
I am visiting both Italy and Greece over the two week period, but I am more excited about the Italy portion. I know Greece will be fun, as well, but I have always wanted to go to Italy. I can hardly wait to see Rome and Florence. I'm also headed to Athens and Delphi in Greece. The trip will be mostly visits to cool places, but I also get credit hours for school! I took an economics class for half of last semester, and that combined with the journal I turn in at the end of the trip will be graded for credit hours. How cool is that?
So far the most difficult part has been deciding what NOT to pack in my suitcase. If it were up to me, I would have just brought everything. Always prepared--I think that's the girl scouts code?? I'm not sure, I barely made it through the "daisy" stage. So, I finally narrowed it down to one giant suitcase, a backpack, and a sling/camera bag. I will be gone two weeks, so in my mind that's pretty impressive.
I've gotten a lot of helpful tips from friends and family about Italy, Greece, and traveling. I am so thankful for the support everyone has given me. One of the things friends said most often was that the pizza and gelato are so good that pizza here will never be the same again. I plan on eating enough to hold me over for a long, long time. I'll let you know how that goes :) I've also been practicing being safe--I'm thinking I'll make dog sounds at anyone who tries to steal from me because dog sounds from a human are just startling enough for me to run away!
It is snowing in various parts of the U.S. today, so I hope all of the flight stuff will be fine. It looks like it is going to be from 56-59 degrees where I'm going in Rome, so that won't be too bad cold-wise!
Some things I am going to work on for the trip: (1) Be flexible. I know it sounds cliche, but I am not that great at plans changing out of the blue. So, this will be a challenge to my good mood as I am trotting about the cobble streets of Europe. (2) Avoid being hangry at all costs. I have granola bars, fruit roll ups, peanut butter crackers, goldfish crackers, and brown cinnamon sugar poptarts. So, I should be okay!! (3) Don't be a cheapskate. I'm not really a fan of spending money--even if I have it. This is sometimes a good thing, but mom keeps reminding me that while I am abroad I want to experience the culture and the good food even if it costs a bit extra. I am going to be smart and not just blow all of my moolah, but I am not going to spend the trip worrying about it.
Anyway, I hope you study abroad some time in your college career. I don't know if it will be great yet, but if it is anywhere close to what I'm thinking it will be--you definitely want to do it. I'll let you know if it's worth it, and I will let you know how my goal achieving goes!
Lots of love,
Italy-Bound Maddie
Have a safe trip Maddie! Enjoy your experience in Italy and Greece... and be sure to take lots of pictures to share with us at Wesley! :)